A Child Called It is a very inspirational, but sad true story of a boy who suffers severe abuse from his alcoholic mother. She plays dangerous, deadly, and cruel “games” with him, barely feeds him, makes him sleep on an old army cot in the basement, and puts him through so much more abuses than any child should ever suffer. During the book we are taken Into Dave Pelzer’s mind, and we see how it he made it possible to survive the horrible things that he had to go through.

            This book was a very touching book, and though some may find some of the events in the story to be unreal, or made up, I don’t think that anyone would make these stories up about their life. The most important thing throughout the novel was Dave’s will to survive. He was the only one that could make he survive. If he had given up, he would’ve died, but because of his will power, he not only survived, but used this horrifying experience to help educate others, and to become a better man himself. I was very inspired to keep pushing forward when I was done with the book. Now, hopefully in my life, I can use bad experiences as learning experiences that will make me a better person. 

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